Sunday, June 23, 2013

Carolina Super Moon Saturday

Told myself that I was going to rest my right arm and do nothing last night. Well, I got my camera ready just in case. Even behind the cloud it was still drawing me in...I could not resist this moment...captured off my back porch..arm hurting because I have a repetitive strain injury...then the clouds came back. Was it worth the pain shooting up my arm like strings of fire? Absolutely yes...I may try for another shot tonight...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Time To Leave My Post"

Taken at James Island, South Carolina.  Perfect sunset over the marsh...she rested on the post for awhile as I watched in my view finder sitting against the warm salty air. Felt her lifting off...made my perfect capture silhouette against the orange dream sky over quiet fishing boats...time to leave my post...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Dad's Silent World

Father's Day is on June 16th here.  I miss my Dad very much as I was his little girl.  He worked the night shift  to provide for his family while my Mama kept the house and cooked for us.  We had a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes to wear and text books for school.  I am still amazed at how my late parents, both deaf, raised my brothers and I.  When I had a spelling test to study for, Dad always made me spell the words with my fingers using the alphabets signs until I got it right. Then when my brothers and I had kids growing up, he made them spell words too. For someone that is deaf, the one thing Dad never lacked was his love of words even though he could not speak them.  Here is a poem dedicated to my Dad.  I will always be connected to his soul.

When we gather
For family events
Dad would sit quietly
Watch television or read
In his silent world

He sees us talking
Laughing at jokes
Dad would sit quietly
Look up with a smile
In his silent world

The kids are playing
Running in the house
Dad would sit quietly
Reach out to tickle them
In his silent world

He never complained
That he couldn't hear
Dad would sit quietly
Tell me funny stories
In his silent world

I know he had a good life
Even after stricken with cancer
Dad would lie quietly
Making sure we were alright
In his silent world

Christmas eve
On his way to heaven
Dad laid there quietly
I signed under his hands
It's okay now to leave
Your silent world


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gervais Street Bridge-Congaree River

Gervais Street Bridge-Congaree River-Columbia, South Carolina, US. Taken with my Nikon D70. One of my favorite spots to meditate. Between 1890-1900 my Great Grandfather took a ferry across this river before there was ever a bridge to work in the cotton mill. The cotton mill was converted into a State Museum. This river is part of the Three Rivers Greenway recognize by American Trails.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Connecting to Spirits

This may be hard for some people to understand or not.  When I was a young girl, I was always with my parents visiting our relatives or friends that were sick or on their deathbed.  I was never afraid to touch them and love on them.  When I started doing that, I felt a sense of spiritual connection with each person that I came in contact with.  

Often, I would sense that there would be something that they wanted me to do or say something to someone as if they wanted to do one last thing before they died.  I knew that they can feel my presence even though they were not awake or responding physically.

As I got older, I started sensing spiritual connections when I was not anywhere near them through my dreams or just out of the blue.  Then I would find out later through my parents or friends that it happened. I can sense things about my kids too, before they even contact me.

I really don't know if that means I am a psychic or not.  I don't see faces or actual pictures, just feelings through my heart, soul and senses.  Perhaps this is because I am hard of hearing. They say when one sense is low or gone another kicks in.   

A story I will share with you.  One day, the nursing home called me and said your grandmother is being taken to the hospital ER. So, I called my brothers to call my mom and told them I was going to the ER. I arrived there and sat with my grandmother waiting for the doctor to come in.  The doctor said she had a heart attack. They moved her into a hospital room
My grandmother was 96 years old and a VERY strong Southern Baptist Christian woman. As days went by she got weaker. Then she started talking to God.  She would say, Father, I am coming home to you and mumble bible verses.  Her breathing became shallow. I can feel her body temperature changing. Few more days passed.  I started to sense her spirit and soul connecting to me as if there was something she wanted done although she was not awake or responding physically.

One morning I went to work, a few hours later, my oldest brother called me from the hospital.  He told me that the doctor said it should be any time now. But, something kept nudging me as I felt that my grandma was not letting go just yet.  Then it hit me! I called my other brother, who has not been to visit her.  I told him to get to the hospital right away because grandma is holding on for you. He thought I was insane.  One hour after he saw grandma, she finally died in peace.

So, that's one of many experiences I have had.  I think it's a natural gift for me to have spiritual connections through my heart, soul and senses.